Batch #40 looked slightly wet but had good sticking power. With shoyu, it formed thick long threads.
The freshly made natto almost had a pleasant apricot smell
One thing I like about making natto in the summer is that the fermentation seems to go smoother. I have come to associate this with temperature. This is especially true when I was making natto with only a yutanpo as the heat source. I have not seen many homemade natto makers mention this, but natto fermentation is truly a metabolic marvel. Each individual natto bacteria is going about its life eating and multiplying. This in itself is an insignificant event that is too small in scale to matter but in large numbers, it takes a whole new dimension.
I mention this in relation to natto making in the summer time because I have noticed that when the ambient temperature is high enough, the natto fermentation can continue with its own generated heat. I did not notice this at the beginning and was baffled why the natto fermentations in the summer seemed to go better than the winter fermemtations when using a yutanpo. After a while, I bought a thermometer to keep track of the fermentation temperature and I discovered something truly amazing. Seven hours into the fermentation to somewhere around the fifteenth hour of fermentation, the natto superorganism consisting of billions of individual natto bacteria metabolize the food in soybeans and generate enough heat to keep it at its ideal growth temperature without requiring an external heat source. This is evident when making large quantities of natto, in my case 400 grams of dry soybeans (~1 lb), when the ambient temperature is somewhere around 23C/75F or higher. The glass baking dish which has insulating qualities in addition to the double cling wrap to cover the top helps to retain the heat.
So in essence, it is possible to make natto if it is possible to maintain an ideal temperature in the first 6 hours of the fermentation using a low tech, cheap method such as warming the oven for a few seconds every hour or by using a yutanpo. Using a small cooler or styrofoam box, which I have not tried, would probably suffice to make good natto if ideal temperatures can be kept for the first 6 hours until the natto kick in to generate its own heat. After the natto slows down, the natto could be kept in the cooler for another few hours to let it ferment with the latent heat.